Un artista plástico emergente. Nacido en México a finales de 1984. Su trayectoria ha sido por más de doce años empírica y forjándose desde sus inicios autodidacta en una búsqueda que ha rendido sus frutos y dado un lenguaje visual que lo caracteriza. Una vez dominadas todas las técnicas se identifica con el óleo e incluye un collage de todos lo materiales posibles en casi todas sus obras. El arte contemporáneo figurativo de Angel Bobadilla es adquirido por amantes del arte de todo el orbe, y se ha dedicado a cautivar el gusto de extranjeros y nacionales. Dentro de algunas críticas que buscan catalogar a su obra la han bautizado como Surrealismo Trágico. Pero sobre todo su obra invita al espectador a criticarla, entenderla o catalogarla. Y esto pasa cuando el artista mismo se retrata en todas sus obras…

Angel Bobadilla

Sometimes I think we are like children who play to imitate creation...

An emerging artist. Born in Mexico in late 1984. His trajectory has been for more than twelve years empirical and has been shaped since his beginnings autodidact in a search that has yielded its fruits and given a visual language that characterizes him. Once mastered all techniques is identified with oil and includes a collage of all possible materials in almost all his works.
Angel Bobadilla’s figurative contemporary art is acquired by art lovers from all over the world, and has been dedicated to captivating the taste of foreigners and nationals.
Among some criticisms that seek to catalog his work have baptized it as Tragic Surrealism. But above all his work invites the viewer to criticize, understand or catalog it. And this happens when the artist himself is portrayed in all his works…

It is said of me

and of my works...

For me... meditation is the most active thing in my brain. It is the one that vindicates our love for art. I just find it masterful in your entire play.

Juan Francisco Galán Herrera

Angel, I admire your creativity for the sensitivity it represents. It has a lively feeling, an expression that constantly moves. Your works carry feeling and creativity.

Carlos Cureño

Every leaf that takes away the wind I don’t miss it, nor celebrate it... The time will come when it stops so much fuss

Moranchel Lesslie

Blog of memories in deconstruction, portraits of my essence

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Everything I am... ripped from my workshop, where the muses do their work...

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Giving pleasure to all those comezones of painting so many things

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Creation Process

I rely on experimentation, stealing new textures and expressions from organic and recycled materials

Pictorial need or as I prefer to call it running after the muses
Sketching - One more day trying to imitate the creation
Applying Pigments - Seeking My Own Pictorial-Expressive Resources, and Ripping Out New Meaning From Materials
Finished or maybe it means I’m no longer willing to deal with him...

My latest publications

Creating, suffering, laughing, crying, dealing; so that in the end everything becomes... Ephemeral

  • Justice in the Trials

    Work: Justice. Size: 25 20 cm. Technique: Oil/Canvas. Although I do not believe in justice, I dared to design this Shoe that bears the name of Jus

  • The signature

    This time I want to talk to you about why I sign with an eye figure, it’s nothing mystical, masonry or those little things. I really sign an eye

  • Scribbling for a little while

    Welcome back to my blog, this time I want to share the process of a work; while preparing frame, brushes and palette. He just came to me